
Deutsche Klassenvereinigung und Ausschuss RC-Segeln

Tuning is a circle or more correctly, a spiral. Each trip around the spiral brings us closer to the center, the ultimate state of boat tune. At the beginning of each cycle, we assess the wind, water, and boat performance, and try to improve upon the previous cycle. Sometimes nature throws us a curve in the form of a change of wind or water conditions, and knocks us back out a row or two, and we have to claw our way back up again. This is what makes sailing such a challenge.


We strongly suggest that you print out this page and carry it with you to the lake to assist you in developing proper tuning procedures. For further information, we also have a VHS Video tape on Rig and Sail Tuning. This home quality video, which is over 100 minutes in length, is full of useful information and tips and is listed in our price list.

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